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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  January 28, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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that only requires a simple majority. a simple majority of ignoramuses in the u.s. senate. the disgrace is almost complete for both parties and the senate. angst for being with this, we appreciate it, see you tomorrow, good night from sussex. kennedy: welcome to it but let's climb the mountain. first things first, this is not a business show. this is a freedom show. but man elmer seat those two worlds are colliding in a way i never thought i would see. and to my horror showing the free market here in the united states. maybe is not so free unless you have been trapped on a damage submarine the last few days with no wi-fi. you've all certainly heard about this random online trainers who gave the big shots and made a fortune on game stop, and amc prevention the crowd has a ton of trade to send them to the frequent roof. vegetable became overnight
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millionaires. but guess what, the establishment did not like losing that much money. and now it appears they also don't like the little guys horning and on their sweet, sweet action. this is the part were freedom comes in. as soon as the little guys started raking in serious money, online trading apps like robin hood halted trading on the stocks for the day traders got locked out. but surprise, surprise, the wall street hedge funds had no such artificial constraints. appointed made by our very own charles payne, watch this. subject first about all this nonsense, all this noise, all this whining by wall street is making me sick. i have not heard one person to be complaining about wall street trying to crush game stop. you cannot allow wall street to short legs back and no one says anything. crush these companies into the dirt. they were the indivisible investor makes money everybody's up in arms for its
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back that right and the seeming injustice copy i of alexandria cortez she tweeted quote, this is unacceptable we need to know more about robin hood's apt decisions. bert stock funds are freely able to trade the stock as they see fit. and then, texas are public senator ted cruz quickly replied, fully agree, get a room you two. aoc told ted cruz to buzz off and resign for the fact remains lawmakers on both sides in both houses agree that once again the little guy is getting screwed. so it should be done about it? let's get into with tonight's party pen we gotta get up at american enterprise institute resident fellow and washington examiner senior political columnist tim carney's back. right from the white house. and we have got comedian and host a part of the problem podcasts which you know and love, he is the man, dave smith, well. period and democratics
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strategist fox news contributor leslie marshall, three little angels here to duke it out or to agree. i don't know where you all stand. but tim, charles makes a really good points. these funds have been manipulating stock prices for their advantage for as long as there has been a stock market. so tell me about some of the interesting allies that these massive investors have? >> washington d.c. for one. democrats and republicans for the thing is that so much a financial regulation is geared towards improving confidence in the market. not making the markets work better necessarily but making people more confident in the market. i think we should be doing the opposite and that's what this does put in the long when the stock market is a measure of wealth of company. in the short run it is the measure of randomness, who is
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a nip relating what. the measure of stupidity. you cannot win in the short run. this is part of a hedge funds is always made the money is playing within deputation. now they are the ones who got manipulated. kennedy: i've always but how they make billions and billions of dollars. and now you know they're working together. people are also learning new terms like shortselling. they look at this and ask themselves if i want to go on an app and i want to buy at one of the stocks, i am locked out. that means the free-market is not really free. they start asking themselves how else is it not free? how will survive and lied to? what you have to say to them? >> this entire and is the antithesis of the free market. it all starts with the federal reserve which poses a private entity but basically the department of money and
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banking is created by an act of congress. appointed by the president. they are the ones who prop up all of these big banks. and truthfully, a lot of this wild speculating is damaging to the economy. so happens to live an economy with artificially low interest rate encourages speculation per your not getting around that. what's fascinating about this case a lot of people starting to take a look at the system. there is no reason to assume that this can't be done again. they basically decided they can take on the shortselling strategy of the hedge fund. and they were able to very successfully. it's very interesting to watch is in the year 2020, you had the largest transfer of wealth in human history from the poor and middle-class to the upper class, to the rich. mom-and-pop shops record high profits with the big tech
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companies, amazon and the like. no one had a problem with this huge transfer of wealth for there is not this hysteria about it. yet in one day we have a transfer of wealth from some hedge fund guys to some regular investors. and everybody's flipping out. if that does not tell you how corrupt the system is, i do not know what would. before i know a lot of platforms have shut down trading of stock like nokia, amc, blackberry, not to mention game stop. where can you still trade? you know that? >> i don't know. i mean i am one of those people who not too long ago thought a hedge fund was a monday for a hedge in my yard. i love this. i don't love them being stocked and the shut down for it i love it i root for the underdog but i love and the little guy goes hey player, i'm going to play your game and play you. that is exactly what they did
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here. i think the awesome thing about this is for people who aren't familiar with the marketer don't invest. or have someone do it for them who don't fully understand because it's the ira, 401(k) most americans have investments through. they really get a peek into what's going on. hate we are going to get richford we are going to sink your company in the process. these little guys are immature investors saying we are going to use the internet and we're going to play your game. it kinda for mind to be in a different way of all this tik tok kids buying tickets to a trump rally one time. i root for the underdog and went aoc and ted cruz agree on something, and everyone is agreeing on something, you know these hedge fund rich guys are doing something bad. >> the trying to drive the value of certain companies into the ground, by shorting them, and then you have a group of investors, amateur investors day traders to figure that out and they say no, no, no we know exactly what they're trying to do.
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they are trying to short sell this bird we're going to jack up the price, we are going to stop them from doing that. in the meantime we are going to make all of this money when the valley of the company goes up. okay the panel is going to return a little bit later. we have a lot to talk about tonight. first up, 45 best not just the last president that's a number of executive orders, memoranda and proclamation president biden has signed since being sworn in eight days ago. they said enough already. just as mr. trump said about reversing as many of president barack obama's as possible, mr. biden is now working to reverse many of mr. trump's reversals with executive orders. there's always another presidential election, just a few years off threatening to upend everything. i guess that is what happens when you endorse a president who only knows how to write his own name. so, witness our government going to start governing
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instead of pushing paper back and forth? joining me now once again he is a freshman republican congressman from judiciary committee, darrell issa is backward welcome back sir. subject thank you for having me back getting out since he hunts brother my broker trained according to market on silver has i have had as much fighting one day watching the market get even. kennedy: view tried to buy shares in any of those companies? i think it is fascinating. >> i would tell you if i were with a trading operation were might money were sitting and they would not let me buy something that the day before i could and i missed an opportunity, i would be at a different firm the next day. and i think that is going to happen to robin hood, schwab, and others who decided to limit people today. before what are some your colleagues on capitol hill saying about this? make they almost all say the same thing. we need to look at it from a number of portals including financial services committee
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and find out whether there is yet another round of sec reform. again, if it entity says look i can't trade but it is sitting on your money, we may need to make sure the small and large investor can move their money just as quickly as you would buy a stock, to sum up where they could buy or sell. otherwise, as you say the hedge funds will wind heads and tails. it even when the coin lands on its side. kennedy: amen that's exactly what they are trying to do per the trying to leverage all of their power by investing in as many politicians as they have. we will see where this ends upward right now popular is not on the side of the giants here. we spoke about the executive branch is far too powerful back-and-forth their lives are
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upended. when one president says they have freedom of movement and another tries to block them completely. >> is something tens of thousands of people is appropriately authorized george washington existed execute laws passed by congress that can be no doubt that joe biden is not faithfully doing pretty snoddy been faithfully sticking with what he said during the campaign, much less legitimately executing on the intent of congress. you can't have it both ways. you can't say trump can't do it evenly majority the house and senate and bypass any new
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legislation from day one. kennedy: he's following barack obama's lead there. it's what all presidents do priest got the majority i don't understand this part is like a false urgency. how many, we think the ratios these executive orders how many can be pushed back on in court? >> sum can be. i will give you one that i personally looked at closely. general mattis with his secretary met us, went to great lengths to decide whether or not people who had had gender changes and were required to take hormones, whether they could remain on active duty. he went through an extensive process, push back on congress had let me do this through science.
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he made a decision. it was properly done, and on day one for reasons of pure politics we are going to change that. obsolete to the military seeing a decision upended by their commander-in-chief simply because he wants to play to a political base but it is just one example why should not of done it with this contract sanctity question, those are going to be reversed. but not until the house or the senate about the opposing branch are going to begin to have any ability how is going to push back on it. but the important thing for libertarians and liberty loving people we've got to get back to the whole idea that a president is limited to the faithful execution of the laws
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that are passed and signed by either himself or his predecessor. that is gone by the wayside. i blame each of president, this one is simply the latest offender. kennedy: it's true. both parties, all presidents except silent cal. i disagree with you though, i am glad he did overturn the transit van. i did not appreciate that. i think there are transgender people who are credibly patriotic. and more than capable of defending us in our liberties. in the armed forces that is all i will say. >> a sonic question of that. it's a question of how do we properly go through a process question mckay am not picking on that one for any reason other than i know the general mattis went through a long process but wanted to make sure people could still serve. but had a real question about deploy ability. i'm not picking on it for any reason except we all know that time and time again, political decisions are made. that was clearly political. >> i would like people on your site, people in congress craft
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losses if they are never to run for office again. congressman darrell issa thank you for your time. calving up and your comas massive nursing home scandal, just got a whole lot massive and far deadlier. will he finally be held accountable? will he tell the difference to an a quote from joe biden and one from joseph stalin? another commie dictator from around the world? the panel plays our brand-new game, say it hj. you complete two. stay right here.
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kennedy: well it turns out near governor andrew cuomo's emmy award winning pandemic response was not as exceptional as advertised. a new report claims he governor's office severely undercounted the covid 19 deaths in nursing homes and assisted living facilities by is much as 50%. the report from derek attorney general leticia james found the cuomo and restoration failed to account coronavirus deaths of nursing home patients were transferred to hospitals before they died. civilly governor finally face consequences for the unknown necessary death because mark the panel is back, tim carney, dave smith, and leslie
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marshall. i've been so disgusted by this, tim carney, because i feel the governor's response, any time is barely questioned about this it has been so incredibly callous. and every time he makes a new excuse or spouts some line of bs, it reenters the families who have already lost love ones. when you have disabled new york's governor? >> and think it is exactly right. not only has his decision-making resulted in many deaths, his attitude and behavior, which has won him tons of adulation from all sorts of corners of the media has been to dismiss and attack his critic. when just be shocked that people could think he did things wrong. it really is disgusting. it is the opposite of leadership. andrew cuomo deserves eternal shame for the way he has handled this coronavirus. and everybody in the press who sucked up to him also deserves
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shame. >> when he got that emmy and the list of actors who lined up to give him accolades from rosie perez, to spike lee, the list goes on and on, robert dinero, he is my governor. i wish she wasn't my governor because this guy sucks when his giant q-tip from his brother and the cover up alone, dave smith. >> yeah well it seems to at least be in their favor that they downplayed the amount of people that his policies directly killed. and many of us in real time criticize the policy and said this is the dumbest thing you can do is force in nursing homes or takeover and positive patients. but again i agree with tim completely. it would be easier to accept if he at least owned up to some of the blame for it
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looked give him the benefit of the doubt put at the time you thought this was the best policy to force nursing homes to takeover and positive patients. even as hard as that is to believe maybe he really did think that was the best policy. we now know it wasn't and it was a disaster per he is profiting off of this. he's writing a book he refused to release his financials about that book. i guess at some point later in the year we will get some information. he has profited both politically and financially off of this year. and to now find out they are downplaying or underreporting the amount of deaths is awful. i think should he not only be shame for the rest of his life and think if i were him i would be really worried about answering to my creator and this is all over. kennedy: absolutely and answering to voters. think they should do in new york what they did in california. they should recall this governor because it is unconscionable. it is so horrific what he has done. and the lengths he has gone to to lie about to say 6000
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deaths in nursing homes, that's not that bad. well it was a lot more than that and he knew that. they all knew that. because the little old people who were transported to the hospital all the sudden their deaths don't matter and they are on a different list, leslie. >> look, democrats of said including myself that this was a very bad policy. one of the bigger problems with this as there is no turning this policy about until may. it continued even when they saw the damage that was done, which i think was common sense. i like truth, i'd like reality, you do not have truth and reality if you have numbers that are inflated. i don't care if you are a democratic governor in the state of new york in regard to these number or if you're a republican governor in regard to covid cases hemming people in the icu. the american people and the people of new york under cuomo especially, not just need to have facts but certainly they should not have had the most vulnerable segment of our
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population, the parents, the grandparents in these long-term assisted living facilities put it even higher risks. in these long-term living facilities. >> he had people waiting in line for hours for vaccines and they can't get them. >> so many people supporting him with how forthright he was giving those daily press conferences. i do agree with david. we scrub you got to own it. i don't care if you're a politician. >> he wants to be president. and hopefully this. the slide into political helper it all right panel will see a little bit later he got the big game coming up. just what he thought we might getting a handle on covid 18, new variants have begun spreading around the world and now spreading to america for the south african has reportedly been found in south carolina, wrong south is a mutation found to spread quicker than the original per
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the uk variant is also working its way around the globe. at least someone is traveling. moderna and pfizer their vaccines will be effective against some of the new strains. maybe not against the south african one. how may variants are there? to someone with the original covid still get sick from one of these new mutants? joining me now infectious disease specialist at john hopkins university center for health security senior scholar, doctor amesh adalja. welcome back sir. >> welcome thank you for having me. kennedy: should we be worried about the new variants? how worried she would be in which one should we fear most? >> there is no reason to panic. we need to be alert to them. they are likely more contagious with me we have been more vigilant and accelerate fox nation rollout because the quicker we can get vaccines into people to lessie's variants are really going to matter. we think about the different variants. the south african one is concerning. it does look like our vaccines
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lead to decreased efficacy does not mean zero but they're not going to be as effective. and i think we have to be more cautious about that variants. the uk variant that is the first we heard a lot about, that seems to be handled pretty well fire vaccine. this does not cause any more severe disease than the original the same type of common sense. this very boring face covering avoid crowded conversations for >> are we ever going to get this genie back in the bottle? spirit with a virus like this of vendettas officially strength the respiratory route has this illness are people can be contagious in the presymptomatic before they have symptoms since not containable. our goal is to tame the virus but it's not going to go away speak, whatever seasonal corona viruses it won't be a public health emergency. once we have immunity once we get vulnerable populations protected, get new antivirals
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going to be something like the other four corona viruses that cost about 25% of our common colds but we are not there yet there still some tough times we have a head and the vaccine is a key solution here. it has to be accelerated, how quickly gets into people's arms. >> it was so quick how the vaccine came to be because of operation warp speed. is there some technology we don't know about that laypeople haven't heard about that might give us some hope in the future? >> i think actually the vaccine technology is for the pfizer is that technology prints going to change the way we think about -- the mrna vaccine is different than the traditional old approach for the next pandemic the next disease emergency mrna vaccines will jump to the front because they can be beats made so quickly within your that's really unheard of. kennedy: it's incredible. hopefully that would applications for all this technology in the future, doctor amesh adalja thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up its game
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night. got a new game it is call say it ain't show. how quickly can you tell joe biden quote some other dictators? we always encourage that, stay with me. ♪♪ ♪♪ [ engines revving ] ♪♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. ♪ ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪
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kennedy: it is time for america's favorite new game, say it ain't joe. our new president likes until everyone he is no socialist. but we did a little digging and found that he often sounds a lot like the world's most notorious commie dictators but here's how the game works. i'm going to read a quote in the panel has to guess whether it is from joe biden or one of history's worst lefty tyrants. added bonus the panelists get that all expense paid trip. arik airbase like is that an outlet mall? sure.
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comrades, tim, dave, leslie a ready to play? >> we are ready. kennedy: here we go. tim you go first. ready? question number one. at section quoted number one. politicians are the same all over. they promised to build bridges even when there are no rivers. who said it? joe biden, nikita khrushchev's or castro. >> khrushchev. kennedy: how did you know that that's right, did someone give you these questions ahead of time? tim i'm going to have to talk to staff what did you promise them? write tim parties on the board with one. netiquette to david smith this is your quote are you ready dave? the life of a single human being is worth a million times more than all the property of the richest man on earth, who said it, joe biden,. [inaudible] >> i'm going to go joe biden -based vector you would be
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wrong. who unlike tito does not have a delicious vodka drink named after him for it you do not get the point for that one. leslie here's your chance to catch up to tim carney who so far round one is unbeatable but here's your quote. force our precious resources of a country and a wealth to be handed down to posterity. who said it? joe biden, kim jong-un or joseph stalin? those that were the choices. >> i am going -- i'm just going to go out on the lid and say stolid. tsubaki would be run that means tim carney maintains the lead brit was in fact kim jong-un, though you did look at my face. >> i was going to say that. kennedy: doesn't matter that counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. here's tim's next question. can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations? it cannot. who said it joe biden?
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lending? or castro? >> fidel castro. >> knows actually vladimir lenin. >> you know we had a pretty good point on that one. becky sure did, even a broken comic can be right twice a day. here's dave's next question or quotes, i'll fight it's a question or quote who cares. i want you to know that everything i did, i did it for my country. is that joe biden? hold pot or. [inaudible] >> i will go pull pot? tsubaki that is right you are now on the board you're tied with tim carney each have one. >> this is leslie's next quote. [laughter] >> that kennedy's unpaid >> no ordinary american cares about their constitutional right. he said that joe biden, niclas, or kim jong-un? >> maduro.
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kennedy: know it was in fact biden you do not get the point. biden said it's a real jerk face thing to say. note in america cares but the constitutional rights, elite it's, he is my president back and tell him to eat it. i rate this is tim's next question, quotes. i'm someone who's bit of politics for 43 years and i know what i am doing and what it should do. have no doubt that i know how to tell the truth and to do so elegantly. who said it, joe biden? fidel castro or joseph stone? >> joe biden. kennedy: this actually fidel castro. biden was a good mathematical guess so there's not been a ton of biden's. >> i pasted 143 years. [laughter] 's before that would've changed the outcome absolutely. right this one is for dave, catch a man a fish and you can sell it to him. teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity. [laughter] who said this joe biden, karl marx or niclas the journal?
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>> weight that is really a quote someone said that? [laughter] i guess it is so incoherent i'm going to have to go biden. kennedy: marks. >> really? you ruined a wonderful business. my beard looks like that. so did the first month of the pandemic breed leslie here we go for your quote. don't tell me what you value shall be your budget and i will tell you what you value. who said that joe biden? vladimir lennon or making his first run here nikolai such as scope. >> that's joe biden. [laughter] that when i knew. you know i'm doing i'm just guessing whatever new name you sapor picking up that one. >> timber cutting a quicker everything is decided by persons thoughts and if he is idle logically motivated there's nothing he cannot do. he said it joe biden, >>
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trotsky. kennedy: wrong. dave. he would've been wrong as well. keep a coolheaded maintain and maintain a low profile, never take the lead but aim to do something big. who said this, joe biden? niclas or pain? >> biden. >>, easter and everything i told you. all right leslie this is quick for you, i am not loved by hillary clinton and i don't love her either, who said it joe biden, fidel castro, or shabbos? >> joe biden? [laughter] kennedy, leslie. [laughter] joe biden. subject when i say, leslie doesn't mean you're right. note chavez. [laughter] that's it, dave you and tim are tied, what number my thinking of tim?
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>> seven. kennedy: dave. >> six. support note seven tim carney wins. >> joke is on you because me and tim are both on her way to the gulags anyway. >> you guys can corporal put vegas a much thanks for playing "say it ain't joe". coming up teachers is to be inside the classroom. set outside protesting. studies show scores have very little covid exposure, they are not good spreaders. my next guest says teachers unions are holding our states hostage. ben domenech joins me in moments. e's no need to be stressed. geico makes it easy to file a claim online, on the app, or over the phone. yeah, but what if i never hear back? that's gonna make me want to go jab...jab! nope! your geico claims team is always there for you. that makes me want to celebrate with some fireworks. 5,6,7 go... boom, boom, boom, boom boom boom boom boom boom, yeah!
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♪ ♪. kennedy: right to pick the wrong part about songbird welcome backwards across the country hitting their breaking point as a battle between teachers unions and school districts continue to heat up,
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one father in virginia recently captured the pain parents all across the country are feeling. watch this. >> you are a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children as an excuse for keeping schools closed. the garbage pick up my freaking trash, risk their lives every day. more than anyone in the school system. figure it out, get off the podium. because you know what? there's people like mean and align up other people out there who will gladly take your seat and figure it out. before they will do it live. this comes a cdc release resource and there's little evidence that schools have contributed transmission of the virus. so how do we get kids back to where they belong inside the classroom learning? and what washington actually to discuss here now the federalist cofounder ben domenech, welcome back ben. selected to be with you as always kennedy.
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before i watch that that that is every parents, every parent whose kid is stuck at home, on a laptop if they're lucky enough to have one after 11 months, i feel that guy. sorry. >> i think that he really does channel a lot of that frustration. i actually heard about this sort of before the story broke. i have lived for most of my life where this happened. and this confrontation i just want to point out since he did this, a message has been sent out from the loudoun county school system chiding the parents for using inflammatory rhetoric. now if it figured out count as inflammatory rhetoric he said freegan trash or whatever is that the rhetoric there he's just remanding a bunch of administrators and bureaucrats to do their job. which apparently is something that is a bridge too far now. i think we are really learning for so many of you teachers
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and i don't believe it's even the majority of them. it's certainly the loudest at once, they are absolutely willing to continue to give kids in public school a subpar education. even as others are able to afford to send their kids to private schools are getting in person learning despite all of the science. despite all of the evidence not just from america but from around the world that schools are not the focus of danger for this. and we have known this for a long time and that there is no change in their behavior should really be an indictment of our entire public sector union system as it comes to schools and whether there actually going to put kids first. kennedy: summary problems boil down to committee sector union sprayed the fact kids are not learning, they are stagnating. the fact that mental health problems are skyrocketing. especially for adolescents, it is so beyond acceptable.
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and if kids are not in school, that means parents aren't working. and the economy is still hamstrung. so what are teachers unions gaining by keeping schools close? i still don't understand that. >> i think it is a combination of the fear of some of their members, again some of the loudest voices. including many teachers who are opposed to this whole approach, really do want to back to the classroom. who can read and who can understand the science about this now. clearly this is beginning to have not just an economic impact but a political impact as well. we see some early total polling data from north carolina we see increasing numbers of parents very frustrated with their political leaders about this. particularly hispanic parents. who, we have to keep in mind the left likes to talk about things in terms of identity and race and class and things like that. but is the poorest kids, the minority kids, that are
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getting affected by this the most. some of us not something on the front page every day. >> the democrat publications claim to protect them. they claim to have their best interests at heart, that is malarkey. r8 ben domenech thank you so much. >> they do not great to be with you. kennedy: topical storm is nex. . that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. (money manager) so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? (judith) nope, we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. (money manager) but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? (judith) we don't have those. (money manager) so what's in it for you? (judith) our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: just stop. get a hobby. you should meditate.
8:49 pm
eat crunchy foods. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. are you kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette
8:50 pm
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wanna lose weight and be healthier? it's time for aerotrainer. a more effective total body fitness solution. (announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time. it allows for over 20 exercises. do the aerotrainer super crunch, push ups, aero squat. it inflates in 30 seconds. aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. lose weight, look great, and be healthy. go to that's a-e-r-o
8:52 pm
kennedy: the leading actors in the 50 shades of gray movie has moved into a malibu manchin with the lead singer of coldplay. she said moving and they man is a big commitment. but she is always thrilled to be tied down. she thanks coldplay is something to do with popsicles, kinky. all right get ready to shout your safe word. because this is a topical storm. topic number one, the animal-rights group peta comments not from hunger games, is getting a roasted for demand that people stop using animal names as insults. such as calling someone chicken. well, i do know women hate it when you called in the seaward, but i'm not sure that is the one. a widely mocked tweet peta exclaimed using animals and insults, it inflates species
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exhibits iiic will be fired in 2024 over a burger you instagram in 2023. it does suggest alternative phrasing to animal insults for instance calling someone repulsive instead of them calling him a pig. but if you ask me, we should all just leave it up to. [inaudible] [laughter] r8 topic number two. here's one way to wake up a sleeping giant. china is using adel swabs to test for covid-19. [laughter] now you can vow to president g and get tested at the same time for at least they finally found a way to recycle chopsticks. i hear they do a great job at the testing center. [laughter] they say the rectal tests are more accurate than ordinary nose swabs plus it's much easier to tell when they've already been used according to reports the method was implemented on a group of teachers and students in beijing last week.
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and you thought homework was a pain in the butt. the test requires an insertion of two to 3 centimeters. finally i get to sated men, relaxes just the tip. [laughter] the chinese government admits it has encountered some resistance for instance a lot of chinese wives feel they will only take the new test on their husbands birthdays. [laughter] [inaudible] topic number three, something fishy at somebody but it may not be the tuna. subway tuna is not actually tune it but a mixture of quotes and various concoctions which is also the description for the moderna vaccine. a federal complaint, to plaintiffs of the tested multiple samples of the sandwich filling and found no tuna or fisher president. responsive employee hair, that has protein. it's totally meritless they very well could be just like their customers a track record of settling. subway paid $5000 to each
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patient claim their foot-long sandwiches were not really 12 inches long. something they compared to the photo of greg norman walking on the beach left mike. [laughter] released subway sandwich rules cannot legally be defined as bread. not to mention the veggie delight sandwich is as delightful as a test. insists the tune is one 100% real. >> speaking of which topic number four half baked junk let's hear it you have to say, this is viewer mail. bunch of jerks. carol starts us off with you need to know what you are talking about before you make fun of it. carol, that is a cardinal rule of the show, we make fun of everything. mike writes you are a complete fool, un- funny and immature.
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check your spelling. fox seeds to float kennedy nation immediately to pure garbage. exactly how sexual related to business? eleven because george took an eight hour nap after barden said what in the hell is this. your outrage is obnoxious. oh my god, that's your name. [inaudible] that everything sucks. be right back. research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia.
8:57 pm
so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual! what does it do bud? it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need! and what did you get, mike? i got a bike. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ it's time for sleep number's january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed.
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9:00 pm
kennedy: think it's much was the best arbor day. please subscribe to my podcast kennedy saves the world, spotify apple podcast or talk about friends with douglas going to be out at 5:00 a.m. in the east. for it. ♪ ♪ good night. ♪. elizabeth: tonight a new controversy. top republicans on three house investigative committees now demanding documents and records involving china again potentially trying to buy influence with the biden family in a new way not seen before. with us tonight, matthew whitaker, michael lee, gary kaltbaum, harmeet dhillon. janice dean, vince collagnese and tom homan. conflicts of interest that could rope in a big name power player in the biden administration. more on wall street warfare. the little


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